Queen Bee Lineup

The Queen Bee has some really valuable equipment that you may unlock. In this post, you'll discover how to avoid being fooled, as well as how to kill and hunt a queen bee.

The lineup isn't too difficult, but as with anything in Lords Mobile, I have no choice but to give you all the details by hand. You are welcome!

Attack on the Queen Bee.

The queen bee is actually one of my favorite monsters to attack. That's very easy. If you have the correct combo, you can knock him out quickly.

Let me explain it step-by-step. 

Magic: bad.
Physical strength: good.

If you can't understand it, just download Ludo and play it with your family because this game is not for you. Actually, stop and just read this article carefully; who knows, you will get my point. 

Here’s the list of the best heroes to use in order to effectiveness:

  • Black Crow
  • ‌Demon Slayer
  • ‌Femme Fatale (P2P)
  • ‌Scarlet Bolt
  • ‌Tracker
  • ‌Trickster
  • ‌Vengeful Centaur (P2P)

Hero Lineups for Queen Bee

Here are my recommendations for Queen Bee Lineups.

Keep in mind, and this is critical, that you should only deploy these heroes if they are all of comparable strength. If, for example, you have Trickster at gold and level 5 and Scarlet Bolt at Grey and level 1, the Trickster should obviously get preference…

With that said, here we go.

Queen bee lineup

Level 1 – 5 for Free to Play Players: Tirckster, Scarlet Bolt, Demon Slayer, Tracker, and Black Crow.

Alt Lineup Only For Level 5 if the above lineup will not work

Queen Bee Lineup

Level 5 Alt Lineup: Black Crow, Tracker, Demon Slayer, Trickster, Death Archer. 


Who Have lot of Money to spend on P2p Heroes. 

Queen Bee Lineup

Level 1 – Level 4 for Pay to Play Players: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Femme Fatale, Tracker, and Black Crow.

Level 5 for Pay to Play Players: Demon Slayer, Scarlet Bolt, Femme Fatale, Ethereal Guide, Black Crow.

Gear You can Get from Queen Bee

The Queen Bee's gear is extremely important in war if you are not a P2P. Any serious Cavalry and Range player will want to hunt a large number of Queen Bees.

Here are the Queen Bee gear materials:

  • Queen Venom (Rare)
  • ‌Bee Chrysalis
  • ‌Buzzing Husk
  • ‌Royal Stinger

If you haven't been hiding under a rock, you've probably noticed that Queen Bee's gear is great! If you're a Range Troop or Cavalry Troop player, you'll need some of her stuff.

Three out of four of the Queen Bee gear are home-runs. The other one is a joke…

Bumblehelm (Helmet) at Mythic is:

ATK                        42%

Range ATK            42%,

Army Max HP       28%.

This is a serious piece of gear. I personally have it as my main helmet!

Nectar Orb (Main Hand) at mythic is:

Cav ATK               35%,   

Range ATK           35%, 

Cav DEF                14%, 

Range Max HP     14%.

Hardened Carapace (Armor) at Mythic is:

Cav ATK                 35%,

Range ATK             35%,

Army DEF              14%

Honeycomb Chaps (Legs) at Mythic is Cav: 

Cav ATK                 16.8%, 

Range ATK             16.8% 

Range DEF              7%.

This gear is just waste of time. I guess you can unlock it at Level 40 and it’s easy to max, but it’s basically a waste of time compared to the other leg gear out there…

In last you should get that by hook or crook!

Queen Bee Hunting Rewards.

When you go monster hunting, you will receive rewards. Why am I telling you things that are so obvious? The reply, of course, is that you are stupid. Read the Monster Hunting Article and Monster Hunting Cycle Article for additional information.

Here’s the list:

  • ‌Queen Venom (rare)
  • ‌Bee Chrysalis
  • ‌Buzzing Husk
  • ‌Royal Stinger
  • ‌Shields
  • ‌Gems
  • ‌Speed-ups
  • ‌Hero Chest

Queen Bee Packs

The official Queen Bee packets go on sale at the same moment the Queen Bee appears on the map. I used to recommend them. No more. Stay away from them. They are a bloody scam.

Purchase the Bundle Up Paid Pack for $9.99. The value is 100 times better!

"Why?" you ask.

"Because I said so!"

Queen Bee Drop Rate

Most of you don't understand what I mean when I mention "drop rate." Consider switching to Clash of Clans instead.

Queen Venom:          3.00%
Royal Stinger:           6.00%
Buzzing Husk           45.50%
Bee Chrysalis:           45.50%

The stats, for the inexperienced, indicate that the Queen Venom will appear in your bag slightly fewer times.

Expect to work hard to obtain the Queen Venoms. Alternatively, open your wallet and prepare to spend your lunch money.